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Figure 1 is to put on injin. 

Bubuh Injin or more commonly known as porridge of black sticky rice is derived from the island. If judging is more closely there's nothing to distinguish it with porridge of black sticky rice usually. I think it's just naming it is different in each region. Bubuh Injin is made from rice black sticky rice cooked with brown sugar. As a complement to the usually when the presentation given areh or disbursement of coconut milk is so thick that has been cooked with salt and also leaves pandan to smell.

Well, that's what I can explain to you all have a beneficial yaaa and don't be bored well read my blog. ☺.

Figure 2 is molules marinere.

Moules (pronunciation in Perancis:bahasa the Netherlands : mosselen) is the main course of the popular are made from shells that comes from Belgium. This dish is also popular in Jerseydan France. The name of the meal is taken from France, moules which means shellfish (English : mussel) with the word in Dutch to the same dish. The meal is considered a national dish of Belgium. The moules in the restaurant Belgium tends to one and a half kilograms per person, which can be served with a variety of ways.

Figure 3 is rice pudding. 

pudding rice is a dish made from rice mixed with water or susudan other ingredients like cinnamon dankismis. Small is used both for dessert or dinner. When used as a dessert, usually combined with sweeteners like sugar. dessert like this are found in many continents, especially Asia where rice is staple food. Some variant only thickens with starch of rice, which include eggs, making this kind of pudding.This is penjelasana of my mohonmaaf if no one said, and I'm sorry if there is an error in the above explanation 🙏.


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