Daily activity
Assalamualaikum Wr wb In this blog there is something different than my previous blog blog. The difference is that in 2 days I unite this blog because this week there is a mid test. on the first day I just prepare. We are preparing for the 1.4 rotation menu that is: Chicken liver pate with hollandaise sc (appetizer) Claim chowder (soup) Spagheti bolognese (main course) Baked custard tart (dessert) Broiche (dessert) I got preparations for chicken liver pate with hollandaise sc. First I toing for his chicken liver. While my liver liver is in the toing I prepare other ingredients. Once chicken liver is not frozen, I saute chicken liver along with butter and onion and then cooked until stop bleeding. The possibilities are stored in the chiler. After all preparing for the appetizer is over, I help my group friends who are preparing another menu. On the second day of the day, I came to camp around 07.00 am, I rushed to the kitchen wearing uniform and in the kitchen. Then I lan...