Daily activty


This morning I left the camp to campus around 06:30, after which I arrived at campus around 06:40. After that I immediately prepare myself to go into the kitchen. I wear, apron, napkins, nothing else. After that we waited for another friend, and afterwards we were ordered for one line in front of the kitchen. After one line in front of the kitchen, we were immediately absent from the supervisor before going into the kitchen. After that our name was called one by one for the check out our readiness to get into the kitchen, from our hats, aprons, napkins, handkerchiefs, socks, and even our nails each and not forgetting our handkerchief is checked. After all we have finished in the kitchen.

Before entering into the cold kitchen, we first store our bags in the locker already provided by the campus. After storing bags in our locker directly fill in the absent locker provided, we write date, day, month and we write the locker number which we used to sign on then. After that we are welcome to get into cold kitchen for oneline again. After one line in cold kitchen, we give directions from mr.syahrial and our supervisor. We as group 2 which is ordered to do project, we're working on projects outside the kitchen.

After that we worked on the project. When group 1 did their product. After all, they were finally taken one by one into the restaurant according to the order, while we as group 2 prepares the product for doing tomorrow, after that order to the resto stop because the time is up. After that we were instructed to go back into the cold kitchen. After our oneline demonstrated the way and technique in chicken processing, after we finished direct in order to rest. After resting, we immediately ordered oneline back to oneline. After that we were then ordered for general cleaning. After general cleaning, we are immediately instructed to go home.

Gambar 1 adalah prepare untuk bahan choux ala cream 

Gambar 2 adalah adonan yang sudah kami campur menjadi 1

Gambar 3 adalah adonan choux yang sdh di bake


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