Daily activity 13


Hello guys....
come back with me on this blog. As usual I will tell the activities that I will do in this practice week. This day on the 7th of October 2019 is our first day of practice this week. Not as usual, today we get the penalty because we made a few mistakes so we deserve the punishment. So we were given a penalty for collecting plastic waste, especially plastic drink waste. We had to collect 15 large plastic trash bags. 

We were given until 10 o'clock to collect the plastic sheeting. If we can't collect 15 plastic garbage bags, then we can't go in for practice today. To speed things up, we divided ourselves to collect plastic waste. Every two people are responsible for one garbage bag. Then we scattered around the campus to collect plastic waste. 

And we surrounded a new building built on campus and we had to deal with moly because moly owned the land, we were afraid of moly so we looked elsewhere. After 10 o'clock we could not collect 15 garbage bags, so we were given additional time to collect the plastic waste. We had an argument with some of our friends because there were some people whose trash bags were not yet full, so we had to help him so that we could not be angry anymore with Moss Genk. After 11.00 we managed to collect 15 large plastic trash bags. we also successfully completed the sentence and can enter practice in the kitchen. Our material for today is Legis Layer. Lapis legit or specek is one type of traditional wet cake from Indonesia. This cake was first developed in the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia which was inspired by European layer cake. The legit layer is made from various kinds of spices which are very well-liked by Europeans, including cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and sweet fennel so that the taste is very typical rich in the aroma of spices. Today we also prepare for lobster plate tomorrow


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