Daily activity

Hello guys.... 😁

Don't be bored for reading or opening my blog. Today is the day that i'm incharge again to semester 1A, and the materi that we gave to them are chicken stock. Today were oneline at 7.30 and we checked their tools, because their tools must complete in this week, so we will give a punishment to who not complete their tools. I will showed the picture of today.

In the first picture is mr. Ical gave us materi about stock and the kind of stock, start from definition and step to make a good and clear stock. Mr. Ical is the boss genk in the kitchen, and he make all the rules so we must follow what he said. Mr. Ical always told us to work with neat and clean. In the kitchen or wherever we practice.

The second picture is semester 1 made the chicken stock, in one group there is two people so they can learn and understand about how to make chicken stock , because the others only watch and not work if there is too much people in one group, this is the reason mr. Ical only give them two people in one group. And we always asked them to work with neat and clean in practice.

The third picture is where we finished in make chicken stock, we put in one container and we packing 1 liter per portion in plastic roll. And were not forget to mark a name and date, so we know when and who that made the chicken stock. After all finished mr.ical asked to tasted the chicken stock one by one.

That's all and thank you. Forgive us if something goes wrong because were only human.


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