Daily activity

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb

Find out again with me today, and today is the day my group preparing for tomorrow and the menu for today is Indonesian food and consisting of appetizers to desserts and we are in for our work to be very neat and fast. Indonesian food is where Indonesian food is made from appetizer to dessert, namely Jalang kote (appetizer), Sosok (soup), roasted konro, white rice and crackers (Main course) and the last of the dessert.
And my group got the appetizer of the appetizer and I'll tell you about the kote bitch.

Jalangkote is a typical Culinary culinary snack that looks like a pastel. The difference in pastel pastries has thicker skin compared to jalangkote and when pastel is eaten with chili, the jalangkote is eaten with liquid chillies mixed with vinegar. Jalangkote has carrots, touge, potatoes and laksa stuffed with garlic, shallots and other herbs. The makassar tourism office is convened that jalangkote is one of Makassar's typical street type.

Jalangkote is meaning 'Jalang' which means street and 'kote' meaning squat or shout. Jalangkote was previously exposed by small children who sell from home to home on foot. Some of my blog for today may be useful for you who read my blog, do not be bored to open my blog if there is a word forgive me because we are still learning together.

And I'll show you some of my pre-release results today


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Food terminologi