Hello guys 😍

Today is my first time in to the secound semester, and also this is my first blog. My name Aulia Inzani you can call me Aulia, and now i'm a student at tourisem polytchnic of makassar, hospitality departement, cullinary art manajement. And now i'm a secound semester. And i would like to tell about my daily activity. Start from when i came in university into the kitchen, one line general cleaning untill i come back from the kitchen. 

At 7.35 i go to university from home, after arrived at university. I started to prepare myself ,  after that we are one line in front of the kitchen , and then we entered the cold kitchen and we get some material from our lecturer mr.syahrial, he explained to us about breakfast and breakfast's standart , after some explainaion , we are split into groups to make our product which is  hardroll , softroll and twist bread  after that we rest and make our second product which is danish and croissant. 

After around 4.20 PM all of our product is done , we are also cleaned our used tools and working space , and then we take a pray break and prepare for general cleaning , we had our own working area for general cleaning so it is finished faster so we can also go home earlier and rest , but before that we are getting some explainatiob about our product results by our lecturer mr ichal , and we are also informed about our activity tomorrow and asked to go to campus earlier and then after all of that we can go home. 

I will give a recipi or product that i make and also. I will give little picture abaout bread and my group get a hard roll.  

Ingredients :

  • Water             350 g
  • Yeast               10 g
  • Hard flour      625 g
  • Salt                   14 g
  • Sugar                14 g
  • Shortening        14 g
  • Egg whites        14 g
 On the pitcure how the hard roll dough that immure and we vide it  to be sone dough hard roll. The dough show the bland indredients the on above and  after the dough immure led it stand araund 10 minutes until 15 minutes aftet that we cut  it and we make it spherical. 


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Food terminologi