Daily activity

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello guys....
Back again on my blog. This is my second blog of the week. And I want to thank you for reading my blog. Here I will tell you about my activities today. Starting from home until to go back home. But this time I set rather late than yesterday. Ok guys happy to read and I hopefully this blog can be useful, and I apologize if there is a mistake, because here I am also still in the process of learning.Ok guys ......

07:00 a.m o'clock I have left from home , at 07:49 a.m I arrived in campus, then I immediately rushed in the kitchen. After being in the kitchen, I directly use a complete uniform, like wear epron, necktie, and carpus. At 08:10 a.m we are stand in one line in front of the kitchen to absent and check completeness before entering in kitchen. After all we are finish, then we went storing bag and direct in locker one line in cold kitchen. In the cold kitchen we received material from mr. Syahrial about the menu today until 10.00 a.m. After that we separated into two groups, and I was in group two, assigned to the library to look for references about our research.

At 11.30 a. m I went back to the kitchen and we went back one line to split the duty to prepare the rotation 2 menu, I get prepare poteto au gratin, first cleaned the potato and I also immediately raise the steamer for poteto au gratin, after boiling I immediately put the potato and we wait until potato it soft or ripe, while we wait poteto cook we directly make sauce bechamel, after sauce bechamel so we directly Strainer sauce, and afterthe potato are cooked ,we let it stand until cool and we direcly peeled the skin and we cut the dice (1 cm) and after that we immediately cover and we put it  get into the chiler.

 Potatoes 3 kg


Milk 1 L
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Butter 63 g
Hard flour 63 g
Onion to taste
Nutmeg to taste
Bay leaf 1 pcs

Potatoes which before we clean 
Potatoes that we have steamed and we have cut dice 

Sauce bechamel which has become 
So I thing that's all my daily today , if there is one word please forgive me because we are both learn not to get bored.thank you yaaaa .... 😍😘😘😘


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Food terminologi